An Exclusive Invitation

Business Engine Optimization
The 5-Step Profit Acceleration Formula

A Live Virtual Event on Zoom

Hosted By

Cheryl Texeira

Imagine gathering with a select group of new and established coaches, consultants and service professionals to share new ways you can double or triple your current number of new leads EVERY month, double your current sales volume, and leave with a step-by-step process to take your business well into the next level revenue range.



Who is this Business Engine Optimization Masterclass for?

If you’re sick and tired of marketing that doesn’t work, lackluster sales, and inadequate profits, then join us for this Business Engine Optimization Masterclass.

If you are a small business owner in a brick and mortar store or you work from home and you want to step up your marketing with proven strategies that will take your business to the next level.


The information in this masterclass will enable you to go back to work and literally out-market, out-sell, and out-position your competition.

Your Questions Answered

I can’t make the date and time scheduled. Will a replay be available?

Sorry. No. This training is not just theory.  It is full of actionable steps to take to get more leads and more sales, so you must be there to get this incredible content.

I haven’t started my business yet. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely yes! In fact, this masterclass may be the catalyst that helps you launch your business faster with the right pieces in place to get leads fast and convert those leads into paying clients.

Will you send me reminders so I don’t forget?

Yes. I will be sending email reminders. Plus, if you enter your phone number, I will send you text message reminders. But don’t worry. I won’t sell your email or phone number to anyone and you can opt out at any time.

Where will this masterclass be held?

Right from your home or office! We’ll be gathering on Zoom for this masterclass, so you’ll be able to watch from the comfort of your home or office, even in your jammies! However, this is a professional development masterclass so please book it on your calendar and put everything else aside so you can learn in a distraction-free environment.

About Your Host

Cheryl Texeira

Business & Marketing Strategist

My goal is simple – to help serious business owners generate more clients, close more sales, and increase their overall revenue and profits quickly and inexpensively.

If you’re interested in doubling your revenue over the next 12 months without selling more time for money, I can help you.

I specialize in sales and marketing for small business owners. Over the years, I’ve developed a clear understanding of the complex issues facing small business owners in the type of volatile economy we have today.

My experience has helped me develop skills to educate business owners quickly and effectively to successfully apply the right strategies in the correct order, allowing them to grow their business to its maximum capacity.

Lastly, my background in project management has given me to skills to help my clients stay out of overwhelm as we implement the strategies to improve their bottom line.

Join me for the Business Engine Optimization Masterclass

And leave with a profit system that will increase your profit by $10K to $100K